Northern Marine opens new UK office facility

15th Jul 2024

Northern Marine Group’s office infrastructure has expanded with the opening of a renovated facility next door to Group head offices in Clydebank, Glasgow.

The newly named “Enterprise House” on South Avenue is now accommodating UK-based employees Clyde Travel Management (a Northern Marine Group company) and the Group’s Corporate Services division.

The facility has two wings with one being utilised immediately and the other ready for possible future use.

The forty-one employees who have relocated to Enterprise House can easily access nearby head office facilities such as the gym and auditorium.

The move marks the end of Clyde Travel Management’s eleven-year presence in Hillington Business Park, Paisley and brings the Company’s employees together with colleagues of other Group companies.

Philip Fullerton, Managing Director, Northern Marine Group, said: “The opening of Enterprise House is a new chapter in Northern Marine’s history, and we warmly welcome colleagues who are relocating to this excellent facility.

“Enterprise House has been named to signify our drive for strategic growth and this newly refurbished office space provides an excellent home to achieve such an ambition.

“By having more Greater Glasgow-based employees in closer proximity to one another we can foster closer working relationships within the Group, enhance formal and informal communication and strengthen our team cohesion.

“A lot of hard work has taken place over the past year to ensure the building is ready for operations and I would like to thank everyone involved for their significant efforts.

“As a new dynamic working environment, we are confident Enterprise House will be the home of flourishing careers and shared successes.”

At an opening ceremony on Friday 12th July, Daryn Logan, Senior Travel Consultant, Clyde Travel Management (pictured above) cut the ribbon after being selected from a draw that gave an employee based in Enterprise House the honour of opening the building.